NCTTA Singles Membership Application for 2040-41 Season

Parts 1, 2 and 3 are on this page.
Required items are marked with a star (*)
After submitting the information for these parts, you will see Parts 4 and 5.

School Region
School Name

Your name: (*)
Your email address: (*)
Your cell phone: (*)

Type of Team

Part 1: School Club Information

School Name (*)
School Mailing Address
Address Line 1 (*)
Address Line 2
City (*)
State/Province (*)
ZIP/Postal Code (*)
Country (*)

Part 2: Names of Player

Page to search for Player ID numbers. For players who have never competed in NCTTA, leave Player ID field blank.
Player ID First Name Last Name Gender Email Address Year Major

Part 3: Membership Agreement

As a member of NCTTA, the National Collegiate Table Tennis Association, our school's table tennis club agrees to:
  • Abide by the NCTTA rules (click on link to open in new window), having read and understood them.
  • Be affiliated with the school in which they represent as a student organization, club sport or Varsity team.
  • Compete for the entire season, attending all meets as scheduled by the Division Director, unless exceptional circumstances should arise
  • Pay the appropriate membership fee:
    • $75.00 for Limited Membership schools or Singles-only Players
  • Attend the championships should we qualify and if we have the budget for such a trip
  • Exhibit good sportsmanship at all times
  • Vote in any NCTTA matters when requested

If we fail to meet/follow the above terms, we understand that our NCTTA membership is jeopardized, possibly preventing our future participation in the organization, pending review by the NCTTA Executive Board

Furthermore, we allow NCTTA sponsors to mail/e-mail promotional materials to the club president. We will also consider adding NCTTA's and its sponsors' banners to our club web site, if it is within reasonable means.

By joining NCTTA, we proudly display our joy, passion, and commitment for the sport of table tennis.

As the president, I have shared this information with my club members. My signature below signifies that we agree to the terms listed above for the 2040-41 season and that the club members and myself will not hold NCTTA and its members responsible for any injury or adverse events suffered directly or indirectly through our participation in the league.
